Laing O'Rourke awarded Early Works Package for Melbourne Airport Rail


We are thrilled to announce Laing O'Rourke is the preferred proponent to deliver the Early Works Package for Melbourne Airport Rail (MAR).

Melbourne Airport Rail is a transformational public transport project connecting Melbourne Airport to Victoria’s regional and metropolitan train network.

As the first step in this major project for Victoria, more than 100 utilities, including critical services such as water, gas and electricity, along the MAR route will be relocated, helping to clear the way for the new infrastructure to be built.

The utility relocation and protection work will be completed in a way that aims to minimise impacts to businesses and the day-to-day lives of the community, ensuring a seamless transition.

Mark Dimmock, Director – Clients & Markets, said 'We are delighted to once again partner with the Victorian and Australian Governments to begin the process to transform the way Victorians travel to Melbourne Airport."

"We are extremely proud to be trusted with this critical first step for Melbourne Airport Rail."