Engineering Excellence Journal - Edition 3


Laing O’Rourke has launched the third edition of its Engineering Excellence Journal.

Created with input from subject-matter experts from across a range of engineering disciplines, the EEJ celebrates some of the latest thinking in project delivery, with real-world examples of its application.

In this edition, we take a look “inside an engineering enterprise” – opening with an in-depth focus on our value proposition. Through a series of features and case studies, structured around this theme, we explore the principle elements of our unique approach in practice. 

To bring our value proposition to life, the journal draws on some of the best examples from across the business. Topics include: the role of high-tech logistics in project delivery; addressing the housing crisis using the techniques of the automotive sector; the many different applications of DfMA principles for offsite construction. 

An online version of the journal is available here, where you can also download a full PDF.